Wednesday, September 3, 2008

August 30, 2008 End of Summer meeting

The end of summer meeting was held on Saturday August 30th at 9am.

*The most noteworthy topic was the motion made by Margo Finch to allow all beverages on the beach with the exception of alcohol. A stipulation was made that they must be in plastic or metal reusable containers. All but one voting member was in favor of the change. The rules and regulations will be updated to reflect the revised rule.

*A motion was made and 2nd for the PPA to buy and store a lawn mower, gas tank, lock and cover. No opposed. That way anybody could mow the beach, grove, and/or playground without concern for their own property.

*Judi and Angie Wright have volunteered to co-chair kids day next year, which will be held fourth of July weekend.

* Bill Barter and Debra Matteson volunteered to co-chair the family social next year, with a tentative date of the second Saturday in August.

* The annual beach cleanup will be held on Saturday June 27th, 2009 at 8am. The start of summer meeting will follow at 11am.

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